Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Where the Wild Things Are

Have you ever seen the children's book "Where the Wild Things Are"? Well, I'm pretty sure I've found the "wild things" the last couple days in my swimming pool. I know that anyone who reads my blog is probably getting tired of seeing pool pictures of the grandkids. However, I promised Bryce last night that I would post the pictures of him going off the diving board--"with nobody to catch him". And, then Mia was here this evening, being absolutely wild too. She wanted Krista to just let go of her and let her go. She's a wiggly, squiggly baby girl. Uncle Josh was just commenting today, too, about how wild Bryce is in the pool--not afraid of anything!! He was everywhere last night. They threw him up and tossed him and pushed him on the jet ski, etc.

The jump and the splash!!! He's good at the diving board now!

Bryce does a cool Doodlebop game with his dad too. I'll have to post pictures of that sometime soon too. He's wild!!

Krista blew in Mia's face to get her to hold her breath. Then it was down under the water she went. She looks a little startled in that second picture, doesn't she?

I will try to post something a little more exciting in the near future. It won't be long before there will be pictures on here of the new baby, Collin. I praise God for my grandkids. They are very special to this Nana. It sounds like I'm going to get to spend quite a bit of time with each of them in the next few weeks. Please pray for the safe arrival of Baby Collin, sometime during the first week or so of July--the dates are still up in the air a little.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I love Mia's swimsuit. If only we could all be so cute in that! Mom and I were commenting the other day how refreshing it would be to walk around all day in our swimsuits like Anna Kate! I never get tired of pool pictures! I take a ton too.