Saturday, June 14, 2008

Unity in the Body of Christ

I have been challenged (or maybe convicted) recently by the thought of having "ill" against a brother or sister in Christ. As a Christian, I am part of the body of Christ. Our pastor used to ask the question "Who is the Church?" Well, "the church" is not the building, the pews or the contents of the building, but the people of the congregation--those who are part of the Body of Christ--a Christian. The Bible tells us that we are to forgive those who have done wrong against us. I have read several passages relating to that and prayed for God to help me to forgive those whom have hurt me. But, just in the last couple weeks, I've discovered how hard that is!! Then I think about how much I have or have had in my life that needs God's forgiveness and He has already forgiven those things--past, present and future. All because of Jesus and His death, burial and resurrection. (Can you tell that my poor mind has been having a tremendous wrestling match??)

It's easy to tell others, "You just need to forgive that, forget it and get over it". However, when the hurt involves you or those you dearly love, it gets harder to actually put into practice. We need to pray constantly for one another that we will have a forgiving spirit and remember the things that Christ has done for us. Colossians 3:13 says: "bearing with one another and if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.

So, as I begin a new week, please pray for me that I will be able to forgive the wrongs I have seen done against me and those I love--that I will forgive seven times seven. I pray that I will be able to remember those things that God has forgiven me of--because I am in Christ. As we are at the present time without a pastor, it is even more important that we pray for one another and pray for unity in the body of Christ--in our local body. Praying that each person will perform the duty that he or she is called by God to do.

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