Saturday, May 31, 2008

Pools and Playgrounds

Yesterday, Josh and Jayme had a youth rally to help with for the teens at church. So, we went over and got Bryce early and took him out to dinner with us. We picked up McDonald's for him (his favorite, the rest of us, not so much!) and then went to Toro Loco to eat. After we ate, we dropped Papaw and Uncle Josh off at the house and Bryce and I went to the Dollar Store to pick up some tools to work with then headed to the playground. We took some of his Thomas trucks and went up to the school playground and played in the gravel. He had a very good time. We took some cookies with us and had a snack then headed back home to take a bath! Gravel play can be very dirty. He is so much fun--Nana loves to spend time with him and just listen to him talk on and on.

This evening Krista called and wanted to know what we were doing. We had been working outside all day, getting a sandbox together, washing down the vinyl siding on the back of the house, etc. We got some new furniture for the back deck and had to clean up for that. So, anyway, they were going to come over and have some pizza and then swim a little. Krista brought Mia's bikini (isn't it adorable??) and their bathing suits. The water was up to about 85 degrees, so they decided to try it. Can you see how much Mia loved it? She wasn't sure at first, but decided that it was great fun. She splashed, wiggled and just loved it.

It's going to be such a fun summer. The grandbabies are at such fun ages and we have a new little guy coming. God is so good to us. He gives us mercy and grace for each day and so many blessings on top of that.

Josh has been sick all week, so please pray for him. He is in the process of deciding where he wants to job hunt, what he wants to do, etc. Pray for God's will to be clear to him. Thanks all....have a great Lord's Day tomorrow.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

They are very cute. I'm sure that once Mia gets a little older, David will cringe when his "baby girl" wants to wear one of those. Scott has already said Anna Kate has to wear the bloomers they used to wear. Love ya!