Friday, May 23, 2008


We have a granddaughter who is 10 months old. Her name is Maleigha Evangeline. She is at a very fun age. She's just starting to pull up to things (whether it's short or tall) and is trying to walk around them. When she was born, Aunt Jayme, Papaw and Nana went down at the first signs of labor. We arrived about 3:00 a.m. on Tuesday, July 24. Mia didn't arrive until Wednesday, July 25 at 12:08 p.m. It was a long wait for us all (especially her mommy!), but she was well worth the wait. I had the opportunity to stay for a few days with Maleigha and her mommy. Her daddy was working the late shift (midnight to 4:00 a.m.) at UPS at the time in Louisville. I had a motel room right up from their apartment, but would come down in the early evening and then stay while David was at work. I am so thankful for the opportunity I had to bond with Mia. I tried to let her mommy rest and would hold her for hours on end--until she needed to be fed. I praise the Lord for that chance to be there for those early days with both my grandkids. Mia is such a good baby, she is fun and loves me! She also loves her cousin Bryce and squeals with excitement whenever she sees him. It's been really fun buying baby girl clothes too--there are so many to choose from. I praise God for my grandchildrens little lives. I pray that they will come to know Jesus at an early age and serve Him throughout their lives.

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