Sunday, March 8, 2009

Please Pray for Mia

Tomorrow, David and Krista will be taking Mia back to Cincinnati Children's Hospital for another appointment with the urologist and another test to decide what the next step will be for her. The urologist they saw in October was very concerned with the results of the tests they ran on her at that time. It seems her bladder is full of scar tissue and is only holding about 1 ml. of liquid and should be holding about 40 ml. Her kidney had fluid retaining on it also. They are to see the urologist for another test and then to see the neurosurgeon (or that's the way I understand it).
I would be so thankful to everyone if you would pray for Mia tomorrow. These tests are terrible for her. One of them involves a cathedar--those are not pleasant for anyone, especially a little one who doesn't understand. And, I'm not sure what else will be necessary. So, please, pray for her and for Krista and David--these appointments are hard on them as well. They should find out if and when she will have her surgery. You all know how special my grandkids are to me, so I really would appreciate the prayers for us all!

1 comment:

Angela said...

We will be praying for little Mia and for all the family. It is so hard to see your child go through things like that and you can't quite explain it so they know what is going on. My heart goes out to you guys and especially Mommy and Daddy that has to watch this happen. The pain you have as a parent is unexplainable when your child hurts. So, we will be praying for the doctors to have wisdom, that God will give Mia the peace and grace to make it through and for the grandparents as they stand by with anxious and loving hearts.