Thursday, March 12, 2009


Thanks so much to those of you who prayed for Mia's tests on Monday. The results were about what we expected, I suppose. Her bladder is still refluxing back to the kidneys, which is not really good. They've put her on a maintenance dose of an antibiotic so that she can avoid infection. Krista said she was a trooper during the test--which involves a cathedar (yuk!). She said that she had some pain after the procedure when she peed. :(

But, she will return to the urologist in June for an ultrasound and another consultation with him. Krista said she really liked this doctor and he was very informative and kind. Then, they will schedule an MRI and consultation with the neurosurgeon. Apparently there is a possibility that if the kidney/bladder thing is the primary symptom, it may fix itself. If it is secondary, she will probably have to have surgery somewhere down the road.

Please continue to pray for Mia and her parents. There are many things going on now--so please pray that God would keep His mighty hand on this precious little girl. She's so sweet...she really is, it's not just a Nana saying so. :)

Thanks again for praying. The prayers are SO appreciated. Our God is ABLE to take this condition away completely!!

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