Sunday, March 15, 2009

Video Games!!!

On Friday, Jennifer and the kids came to visit for a little while. Bryce brought their Mario Kart game and was really nice about sharing it with Ben and Anna Kate. However, he couldn't stand to just let Anna Kate play though. As you can see from the picture, he is playing right along with her, without a controller. :) He told her how to play...over and over. hehe....

Anna Kate was so cute playing it--she moved her whole body, twisting, turning, etc. trying to get the car to go the way she wanted it to go. She did pretty good, but I'm not sure she was enjoying it that much.

Ben brought his Nintendo DS along with him, so he enjoyed playing it for awhile. Bryce enjoyed watching Ben play his Sonic game and a Mario game. They had a lot of fun together...playing, watching one another play the different video games, etc.

Ben showing Bryce how to play one of the DS games. They were so cute together. The kids took some time to circle through the living room, foyer, kitchen, dining room and around and around. Krista and Mia were here for awhile and she joined in too. I didn't get any pictures of this, but it was Ben, Bryce, Anna Kate and then Mia. They would yell something and she would scream it too. :)Collin spent the day being the great baby that he is. He is enjoying sitting here in the floor with Miss Jennifer, chewing on a pool diving toy. He's such a happy guy--always willing to just follow whatever is going on.

Before we knew it, it was time for them to leave. I asked the kids to let me take a picture of them together before they left. They had been inside all day, so I guess the sun kind of got to them--they were all squinting...well, except Anna Kate--she had those cool shades. :)Here's Bryce with the picture Anna Kate made for him. She told him she made it 'specially for him. :) They all had a lot of fun and we adults did also. It was great to catch up with them a little. Love 'em!!!

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