Monday, May 18, 2009


After Krista posted on her blog about the verses in Philippians about being anxious and turning everything regarding Mia and her surgery, etc. over to God, I have to admit that I felt terribly guilty. I found myself worrying endlessly about Mia, about the surgery, about her recovery, about her time in the hospital, etc. However, after meditating on that passage of scripture and others, I can honestly say that I, too, turned my worries and whatever "claim" I have on Mia, over to God. For, He is the Great Physician, He loves Maleigha more than her Nana ever can....and in His sovereignty, He knew while she was being formed what the outcome would be. How awesome is that? Thinking about things like that often just blows my mind!!

Anyway, we arrived at Cincinnati Children's Hospital a little before noon on Friday, May 8 for Mia's spinal surgery to detach her tethered cord. She had to have some blood work done and be checked in, etc. She cried when they drew blood, but was pretty good other than that. They took her right in the holding area for surgery, did vitals, etc. They gave her some sedation medication to prepare her for her surgery that was supposed to be at 2:30 p.m. Keep in mind, that she wasn't allowed to have any solids after 6:00 a.m. and nothing by mouth after 10:00 a.m. Still, she was doing well. The above picture was taken after they had given her the medication that was supposed to sedate her enough that when Mommy and Daddy had to hand her over to the surgical team, she wouldn't care. They brought her a baby to play with and she did really well. However, 2:30 came and went...3:00 came and went....3:30 came and went. Someone did come in and tell us that they had to take a child back to surgery and it would be a little behind schedule on Mia. Well, about 4:40, they came and got her--by that time, the sedation medicine had worn off, she was getting cranky and wanted her "cuppy" with some "milky". She was tired, hungry and not happy. I have to admit that my heart broke when we went out to the waiting area and all I could hear was her screaming "NANA!!"....ringing in the halls of the area.

Her surgery went well, didn't take as long as they thought it would, but the neurosurgeon said that the fibers that were tethered were really tight--much worse than he thought they were going to be. (Another confirmation that God's timing was perfect) She was sedated pretty heavily by the time we got to go in and see her and we were told that she would be "out" all night. So, we all left to go get some sleep--Krista and David stayed at the hospital and Nana and Papaw went to find a motel (another story--whew!!).
Fast forward to Saturday morning--here's what I saw when I came in to see her. Not nearly as bad as I thought she would look, but she was very restless and in pain.....a hard thing to witness. But, still, we were praising God that she was doing so well. When you are in the PICU for just a few minutes, you know that a little one in Mia's condition and with her problems is a real blessing. We knew that she was going to be fine--her surgery was over, she just needed to recover. And, as hard as it was to see her in pain and hear her cries, it was a relief to know that God was in control, was caring for her and healing her as we sat by and watched.

Saturday evening I left to go to the motel, Krista was going to spend the night in Mia's room. She text messaged me about 9:00 and said that all was well and she was going to try to get some sleep. So, I slept well, not knowing what was going on at the hospital. :) They had to replace Mia's IV about midnight and she really had a fit. She had a lot of anxiety over the nurses coming in, etc., they said that most kids who are in the PICU are used to doctors, nurses and the atmosphere of the hospital. She was, she freaked out when the doctors, nurses, cleaning people, etc. came in. But, anyway, they didn't have a very good night that night. I was going to just run around on Sunday so that David's folks had a chance to spend time with them and Mia. But, I got a text about 8:30 that said Mia was having a rough morning and to come whenever I could. I got ready in record time and got there--her nurse said she had been crying for Nana...broke my heart. But, when I went in the room, the above picture is what I found. They had gotten Mommy up in bed with Mia and she finally settled down some.

By Monday afternoon, she was released from the PICU and in a regular room. From Monday afternoon until Tuesday afternoon, you could watch her getting better. She had to get up--which was hard for her at first, but she got up and was trying her best to walk, play, etc. We took her a wagon ride to the toddler play area they had for patients. She played with dolls, kitchen stuff, books, etc. Nana took her for a couple rides in the wagon down to the first floor and we looked for babies--she loves babies!!! And, by Tuesday evening about 5:30, she was being released to go home. GOD IS SO GOOD!!! We never imagined she would bounce back so quickly. Praise God she did and she is continuing to recover, heal and get used to walking again. We all had so many friends and family members praying for Mia--to each of you I want to say "THANKS"...she is such a sweet girl and I have to admit, has a very special place in my heart. She went to church with Nana last night and then came back to our house. She was even dancing to one of her Dora DVDs....a welcome sight indeed.

Praise be to God for His mercy, His grace and His blessings. And, thanks to all who were praying for our Mia--she is thankful too. She now says when asked "Who made you Mia?"...."God did". And, He did!!

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