Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Happy Mother's Day 2009

The last couple years, I have not been able to spend Mother's Day in the traditional ways you would think of celebrating the day. Last year, my wonderful son, Josh graduated from Asbury College on Mother's Day. We are so proud of him. He is living in Huntington, WV now and working for Arrick's Propane (hehe) and enjoy his life there. God has truly been with him during the last year and a half--through trials, God was victorious!!!

This year I had everyone over on Thursday evening. Not really for Mother's Day, although I did end up having cards for my mom and the girls for Mother's Day. We had dinner together and had prayer for Mia since her surgery was coming up the next day. We had a great evening together and everyone enjoyed the kids. They are something, that's for sure!!!

Anyway, Mother's Day didn't really happen with our family this year, although there were some special times that made me see just how blessed I am to be the mother of this bunch of wonderful people!

Here's Jayme with her boys on Thursday evening--their "Mother's Day" picture with their mommy. Josh and Jayme have two very sweet boys--God has blessed our family with both of them. They are both so sweet, yet so different. I guess that's good though, gives them some variety. :) They are beautiful, aren't they? All three of them!!

Little Miss Mia seemed to be the center of attention kind of on Thursday evening. We all had her surgery on our minds--dreading it, but thankful that it had been scheduled in God's time and that she was going to be able to have it done before the condition started causing her any permanent problems. Of course, she had no idea what was going on--she's so young. She enjoyed the "party" and had fun playing with her cousins, wrestling with YoYo, being with Uncle Josh before he went to the beach, being with her family. She loves any opportunity to have a party--just like her Nana. :)

We had a lot of fun together, the kids had fun being together, yet it was kind of a bittersweet evening--Mia's upcoming surgery was on all our minds. But, praise be to God, she did great, and has bounced back beautifully. I'm going to do a post about that next--so watch out. Here are a few more pictures from our little get together on Thursday evening. I sure do love my family--all of them.

little Collin-always the happy
Uncle Josh and his best little lady. These two have a special relationship--she loves him and he loves her.
My precious little Bryce..loves the Nintendo DS now--it's what he does. :) He is getting pretty good at it and gets a little impatient with Nana--who is NOT good at it. :)

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Sweet pics and I have to say I think your family is beautiful too! All of them!!!!!!