Monday, February 16, 2009

A Happy Valentine's Day weekend

This past weekend was, of course, Valentine's Day. On Friday evening, Jayme called and asked if we would like to go to Toro Loco with them. Of course, we never pass up an opportunity to eat there! So, we met them down there and had dinner with them and Tom and Lois. Then afterwards, we went over to Josh and Jayme's. I brought a little gift for each of the boys, since it was Valentine's Day the next day. They had a "family date" with the Swords family on Saturday, so I gave them their gifts on Friday. I had found a few of Bryce's favorite things, Cars for him. He's always amazed when we find some that he doesn't have--yeah, he has that many. He was so excited by each thing that was in his gift bag. He is going through this thing that he doesn't like to have his picture taken. So, this is the only picture I got of him. Collin, however, smiles every time he sees a camera pointed at him.

I got Collin a little Elmo that talks and says something about hugs...he loved it. He laughed every time that Elmo would talk. Collin is a pretty easy baby to entertain--he's happy most of the time. And, very content to sit in the floor and play with toys, which is a blessing, seeing as how he's pretty heavy--it would be difficult if he was a baby who needed to be carried around a lot.

Then, on Saturday, Jayme and I went to a baby shower for a lady at church, then I came home and we went to Portsmouth to pick up Mia. Her mommy and daddy were going to go out for dinner and a date. So, Miss Mia got to spend Valentine's Day with Nana and Papaw. She is a lot of fun. I got her a little book that is Dora and has a little piano on it. She is very interested in music. Of course, she inherited some pretty musical genes from her mommy and daddy. If I could get a video to upload, I would put one on here of her singing. Krista has the best one--if any of you are friends with her on Facebook, be sure you check it out. If you are friends with me, I have one of her singing, one of Bryce singing and one of Collin giggling!!
Since Valentine's Day is about love, I thought I would share these pictures of the little people I love so much. My entire family is very important to me and I love them all so. We are all missing Granny and Bippy right now, as they are in Florida. Granny, if you get to see this, I hope you enjoy seeing the kids. I'll try to get more pictures to you soon--I just haven't taken many lately. I thank God for my family and pray for them--I am praying that God would be important in each of their lives and that He would lead them where He would have them to go. :)
Happy Valentine's Day--well, a couple days late.

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