Monday, July 27, 2009

Princess Maleigha is TWO!!

Saturday, July 25, 2009, Maleigha turned 2!! I can't believe it's been two years already! I will never forget those long few days waiting for her to arrive. Nana, Papaw and Aunt Jayme took off for Louisville as soon as we found out Krista was in labor. However, her labor progressed rather slowly and we ended up being there for two full days before she arrived. But, it was fine--she was such a welcome sight!

Mia has been through some pretty serious things in her two years--spinal surgery, a lot of yucky tests, etc. However, God is good and He is faithful. He has taken such great care of that little lady. She is a joy to our family! She loves her cousin Bryce so much and tries to do everything he does and likes what he likes, etc. She is sweet, lovable and kind--most of the time. :) She IS two after all.

Saturday we had a birthday party for her. We had a houseful of people there to celebrate with her. She had such a great time and loved all her presents--thanking each person for their gift. Uncle Josh got her a Dora riding toy thing that was the hit of all the kids--they all loved it.

Mia with her wands--she loved them and shared them with Uncle Josh. :) He loved the pretty purple wand.

Mia brought this heart from home and kept saying "It's Mia's heart".....she's funny.

Nana got Mia a new "Ellie" doll. She has a doll like this one that I got her for her first Christmas--she loves it and was thrilled with the new, clean Ellie. :) The first one is looking pretty rough.

This is the famous Dora car that was the big hit. Here are all the kids around it. :) They each got a turn on it. :)

Mia blowing out the "2" candle on her cupcake cake. She blew it out 3 times--Mommy had to keep lighting it so we could sing to her. :) What a sweet girl.

Happy Birthday sweet Maleigha. Nana loves you so much and praises God for you and for your life. I know that God has some wonderful things in store for that little lady. I'm going to include some more random pictures from her party. Happy Birthday Mia....we love you. I know she's going to be a wonderful BIG sister in February!!

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