Tuesday, August 19, 2008

OPGA Convention

This past Sunday we left right after Sunday school to head up to Newark, Ohio for the Ohio Propane Gas Association's annual convention. They have had it for a couple years at The Cherry Valley Lodge, which is a really nice place. The lodge is nice and it has an indoor water park that is attached to the lodge. So, the kids all went along (except David--he had to stay home and preach on Sunday). They all enjoyed the water park--Bryce tried the small slide and checked out a lot of the other water activities. He loved the edge of the little area, where the water shoots up out of the ground. Mia was afraid of nothing at the water park and was crawling in the pool--going further than she was able to crawl in. She was a hand-full, but was lots of fun too. I took her for awhile and she loved playing in the area where the water goes through different tubes, down to different little basin things (it's hard to describe).
Here's what Baby Collin did while at the water park. It was really, really warm (no, wait, it was HOT) in there and he was very, very sleepy, I guess. He's actually had some congestion stuff for a couple weeks and today had to go to the doctor--he has fluid on his ear drum and is on antibiotics (poor baby).
I also got a very rare picture (actually the first one) of all three of my grandchildren together. It's not that they aren't all together much--it's just that I've never been able to get them to all sit down or anything to take one.

I didn't say it was a good picture of them--but it is a picture! :) I think it's beautiful really, they are so special!! I guess the stripes in the chair in the lodge sort of cause it to look pretty busy. But, I'm thankful to have a couple pictures of them all together. I even got a picture of all my kids together--well, all that were there. It was a crazy evening--the Monday evening event is kind of dressy and everyone was tired from the water park. So, not everyone was happy to have to get their picture taken, but they were all there and in the picture.

I've got more cute pictures of the kids. If you see me and want to look at them, just ask. Just give me a few days to get them developed. :)

1 comment:

sherry said...

Looks like everyone had a fun time, I am glad you all were able to get away together. You have such a wonderful family Patty (kids, kid-in-laws & grandkids). Love ya-Sherry