Saturday, August 29, 2009

A Week to Remember

This week has been a week I won't soon forget, that's for sure. On Sunday evening, Krista, Mia and I went to Cincinnati to spend the night in a motel so that we could get to Mia's doctor's appointment on time on Monday morning at 9:15. We had a lot of fun on Sunday, going to Target, eating dinner out, laughing at Mia's funny antics, etc. We had an interesting time getting checked in our motel and all headed to bed about 10:00. God is so good--we went to Mia's appointment on Monday and he said that her tests all looked good and that he would say that she had experienced a "successful tethered cord release". She no longer had the reflux that she had been experiencing before with her bladder and kidney. He does want to keep an eye on her and check her again in 3 months, but all in all, the appointment was great. What an answer to prayer!!!
Late last week, I learned of a situation that burdened my heart so deeply that I truly felt sick so much of the week. I prayed, crying out to God for His intervention. I was made aware of the situation when I was asked to pray about it--and praying I did! It appears now that God's will was not as my prayers had been and I've had to remind myself today time and again that God is still God. He is still good and He is gracious and righteous and Sovereign about all! It's the first time in over a year that my heart has been so burdened. I think God was reminding me that there are so many times in daily life that I need to call upon Him--to ask for His guidance.

Then, on Wednesday when I went to work, I found out that a young woman whom Krista had gone to school with had died. She was only 26. I suppose I will never understand the death of a person so young with so much ahead of them, so much to do for God and so much to experience. She left behind 4 young kids. I was reminded of how each day we awake, we should praise God for the day--another day of life He has given us. A day to love, to laugh, to serve Him. It reminded me that I don't know what each day many days do I have left here? How will I spend them? Will I freely share the love of Jesus Christ with those around me? Lord, help me to live each day with a heart thankful to You and a heart willing to love others and share your love with them.

Today, there was a fundraiser for a young man in the area who has been falsely accused of a terrible crime. My friend and I went and walked a mile in support of him. It was one of the fundraisers where you get sponsors and then go and walk. There were so many brothers and sisters in Christ there--showing that family support and loving on them. God has blessed me with so much--a wonderful family, a wonderful Heavenly Father who loves and blesses me daily. Please pray for this godly, young family. If you are interested in finding out how you can help support them you can go Please pray for them. Here's Collin sporting Mamaw's Support bracelet. He's such a sweetie too!

After the walk, we got to go to Bryce's soccer game. It was a nice way to end this very emotional week. He was funny and actually kicked the ball a couple times. Have you ever seen a cuter soccer player? He's doing his warm-up lap!

I'm so thankful to have survived this emotionally challenging week. I pray that I will learn lessons from this week and apply them to every area of my life.

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